Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Passing thought

Till this moment i used to believe that All happenings in life follow newton's third law which goes like this
"Every action has an equal and opposite reaction!!"...
But,I remember one of the cliche's used by one of the wonderful persons I ever met in my life...
"LIFE IS UNFAIR!!"...yeah so true!!...its so damn unfair!! keeps throwing shit at us in different it shitty thoughts and ideas,be it shitty actions and reactions or be it shitty experiences and situations...which keep staring at our faces!!
Everything that happens to us is so damn uncertain and unpredictable that its better not to expect anything,rather accept wholeheartedly whatever we tread and encounter in the long run...
"The more intentions you have,the more in tension you will be!!"
I know am being very philosophical and trying my best to be practical at the same time...but then all said and done...its not an easy task to follow our own said the corner of the mind there still remains that hope,expectation and prediction lingering at all times desiring and wishing the unexpected to happen sooner or later!!!...


Be Happy!!! :-)


Anonymous said...

Really good one!! i liked it!!

tranceporter said...

good post...cheers...and trust me life aint unfiar...thats what life is all about...well its about your perspective of things...but then at the end what do you live for? for a life where you dont expect anything and take whatever comes live for with some hope?you live for a dream...for something you wanted to do right?or would you simply give up what you dream for and go the way life takes you?kudos...good post... :-)

Unknown said...

hey thanks a ton 4 all ya valuable comments...
It means a lot to me!!! :-):-)

@prashanth...yeah i totally agree with wat u saying.
Hopes and dreams kept apart...
In great many other situations we are invetalbly made to give up things and squander our belief and its better to be well aware about that bitter fact and be ready to face them than to sit and brood later... :-)

The Mocking Spirit said...

You have a pretty cool blog here..lady!

Anonymous said...

"every action has an equal and oppsite reaction " well if so were to be the case it would be so much better .. i mean every non action also has a reaction ..
life is unfair u say .. true
but come to think of it sup ..if it were not so ..would u have valued the fairness or happiness ..
unpredictible .. even more true ..
but would u like it if it were predictible
happiness is so much more happier when it comes after some bitter occurence .. wht say

Unknown said...

@ anonymous: yup...i again totally agree wit ur point of view...but it so happens that people usually dont "WALK THEIR TALK"...hope u follow all that u r saying about plus points o facing shitty situaions!!
Be Happy!!! :-)

@pinku:ya ya..very true pinku tht its the mystery about life that keeps us going!!!
Be Happy!!!:-)


hey...!!!liked this sentence"the more intentiions you have,the more in tension you will be"...being philosophical and practical at the same time is THE way to keep life balanced,keeping tensions apart!!true that we should accept whatever we get wholeheartedly and keep dreams n hopes apart....but one should also see that one should not compromise with whatever one believe in dreams as they will put you in the best in the next moment...
[he...he...a pinch of practicality;)]...!!
a very beautiful blog!!!keep up the spirit!!!:-):-)