Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Blunder Finder!!!

Be Happy!!! :-)


Anonymous said...

Things/people u are "fonder" are the cause for ur "stupid blunder"!!

Unknown said...

@anonymous:Things/people u r "fonder" are the cause for ur "stupid blunder"...ya may be...but come what may,people who are fonder remain the same 4ever!!!
Be Happy!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

so they ARE THE blunder..nice..
people who are fonder, must not just remain fonder..!
Mustn’t it grow from Fonder to Much Fonder!?!?

P.S. : NOT POINTING TO ANYTHING!! Just a comment!!

Unknown said...

@ anonymous:i dint say they are the blunder...i jus said may be they are the cause 4 the stupid blunder!!!...and yeah...remaining to be fonder 4ever is better than growing from fonder to much fonder 4 a while and completely losin it/them!!!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmmmm.... nice, nice!!!!


hmmm very right...people who are fonder to us....thought of losing them or thought of their acts...MAY lead us to do blunder sometimes(not always)...
sometimes fonder ones should remain just fonder...not much fonder because it may hurt later when we lose them!!
P.S.just a clarification!!nothing else..