We are so attuned to clinging on what is familiar to us that we often despise what is unfamiliar at the moment. We dread change! We cocoon ourselves when it actually is the time to spread our wings wide and fly. They say "familiarity breeds contempt", if such is the case then why are we always dreadful about losing what we are familiar with and taking decisions which would require stepping out of our comfort zone?. Is it because 'obscurity breads fear'?. We are culture bound. Though our country brags about "unity in diversity", as an individual,deep inside we are apprehensive about diversity.We fear to face and accept if anything around us differs from what has been ingrained in our mind.
Sometimes even though our mind is game for something novel and unusual in contrast to our societal norms, we restrain ourselves and tread the path that has been followed and accepted by majority. The main reason behind our restraint is the fear of getting ostracized, the frightfulness of getting cut off from roots and having to let go off familiarity.When there is a situation which demands change, there can be two kinds of reaction - acceptance or rejection. When you accept the situation, initially there will be a lot of inner turmoil to deal with. However if there is rejection, the turmoil persists not just initially but for great deal of time. Instead of dealing with the change positively by accepting the situation as is and doing our best to keep cool, most of the people adopt fight or flight mode. If one decides to fight and stop the change from being implemented, the circumastance worsens and the situation becomes more agitated.If one chooses a 'flight' mode, then the conscience pricks every single moment and regret and repent becomes a part and parcel of the life. 'Out of sight is out of mind' is cliched and is not true in all cases. One should always be brave enough to confront the situation at hand by accepting wholeheartedly changes that are beyond ones control.

Sometimes even though our mind is game for something novel and unusual in contrast to our societal norms, we restrain ourselves and tread the path that has been followed and accepted by majority. The main reason behind our restraint is the fear of getting ostracized, the frightfulness of getting cut off from roots and having to let go off familiarity.When there is a situation which demands change, there can be two kinds of reaction - acceptance or rejection. When you accept the situation, initially there will be a lot of inner turmoil to deal with. However if there is rejection, the turmoil persists not just initially but for great deal of time. Instead of dealing with the change positively by accepting the situation as is and doing our best to keep cool, most of the people adopt fight or flight mode. If one decides to fight and stop the change from being implemented, the circumastance worsens and the situation becomes more agitated.If one chooses a 'flight' mode, then the conscience pricks every single moment and regret and repent becomes a part and parcel of the life. 'Out of sight is out of mind' is cliched and is not true in all cases. One should always be brave enough to confront the situation at hand by accepting wholeheartedly changes that are beyond ones control.
When it is time to change,
Situation definitely seems strange,
Do not let yourself be ruled by rage,
Let go of the self created mental blockage,
For the change is an opportunity in disguise which demands mindset of a new range.

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