Just wanted to treasure all that is running in mind right now.So am posting this one..Dont know how far it makes sense when read.

The whole of world around us is an irrevocable mixture of pain and pleasure. Every human being is a surprise package filled with varied emotions.We usually concentrate more on negativities of the person,we meet to weigh his sense of worth.
Each one of us taste and suffer the bitterness and the deep lacuna in us in the form of toxic emotions-be it rigid attitudes or prejudice or alienation or ego clashes.
Why is there so much of toxicity everywhere?...Noone knows the proper answer.
I guess...it is because,
Most of the time we tend to focus all attention on ourselves and give importance only to the things happening to us and dont care a damn about others around us.
we totally get indulged in our own framed and formed complacent vicious life.Narcissism eventually becomes an indispenseble part of our mundane affairs.We never care about the fact that our actions and interactions does have a tangible effect on almost all the people we happen to encounter and travel along in this so called jolly ride called -Life!!!If each one of us have the illuminating insight about commonness in the emotional built up,then World becomes such a beautiful and empathetic place.Smile is the universal language which contributes to lessen the sorrow,sadness and apathy that is hidden deep inside each one of us.To make atleast a little difference in the surroundings we live,we should make it a point to force out a smile on our faces before stepping out of the house,else should avoid showing our sad,gloomy faces which would add on to the already present gloominess all around.
Be Happy!!! :-)
hey sups good one...!!!
after all SMILE costs nothin but buys everytin!!! wat say>?!?!
@shru:hey very true...i agree about smile costs nothing,but not sure if it can buy everything!!!...
"A smile costs nothing but gives much. It enriches those who receive without making poorer those who give. It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. None is so rich or mighty that he cannot get along without it and none is so poor that he cannot be made rich by it. Yet a smile cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is of no value to anyone until it is given away."--author unknown
Be Happy!!! :-)
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