"The past reflects eternally between two mirrors:The bright mirror of words and deeds,and the dark one,full of things we did'nt do or say!"
"The truth is a bully we all pretend to like !"
"Fact about Love:Your heart starts to feel like a overcrowded lifeboat,you throw your pride out to keep it afloat,and your self-respect and your independence!"
"Sometimes,even with the purest intentions, we make things go worse when we do our best to make things better!"

"There's a truth that's deeper than experience.It's beyond what we see, or even what we feel.It's in an order of truth that seperates the profound from the merely clever, and the reality from the perception. We're helpless, usually, in the face of it; and the cost of knowing it, like the cost of knowing love, is sometimes greater than any heart would willingly pay.It doese'nt always help us to love the world.But it does prevent us from hating the world!"
"The facts of life are very simple- in the beginning we feared everything- animals,the weather,the trees, the night sky- everything except each other. Now we fear each other and almost nothing else.No one knows why anyone does anything.No one tells the truth.No one is happy. No one is safe.In the face of all that is so wrong with the world,the very worst thing you can do is SURVIVE.And yet you must survive.It is this dilemma that makes us believe and cling to the lie that we have a soul, and that there is a god who cares about its fate!"
Be Happy!!! :-)
The last one is very good! You seem to be intensely philosophical :) .. Guess I found a company!
yeah...i LOVE philosophy!!!
Be Happy!!! :-)
Thanks a lot for all ur comments!!
gr8 philosophy
get some technology 2
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